On Appealing to the Humanity of the Inhumane.

In recent decades the United States has directly killed or overseen the murder of millions of Iraqis, Congolese, Afghans,  Sudanese, South American Natives, Libyans, and other peoples of the Third World. The US has contaminated large segments of Asia with Depleted uranium, shipped billions of tons of toxic materials and E-waste to Africa and the rest of the Third World for disposal, set up polluting industries all over the Third World to...

There are several instances of viable micro societies that were established by us after the civil war ended. There are also several other instances of a variety of black nationalists movements in America. Each of which were either infiltrated and/or simply destroyed by white people. Knowing all of this, how important or potentially viable do you think a black armed force movement is or could be?

All living beings and life systems have a capacity for self-defense, from the thorns of the rose to the “soldier caste” in the termite mound; African people and organizations are no different.We should, not matter the nature of our struggle and organization should develop and sustain the will and capacity to do equal or greater harm to those who seek to harm us; economically, socially, and military.Self-Defense is a Human Right, and a...

How can a poor person like me be or become a revolutionary?

You can become a Revolutionary by simply engaging in Revolution.  If you are poor you have to organize to secure Social Capital.  Social Capital consist of having a good reputation, integrity, and a strong work ethic.  It also consist of having a strong intellectual and ideological basis for your ideas and your approach.  That way, even if you lack money and resources, people will trust you and be willing to work with you. You should also...

Are you aware of any Afrakan liberation movements or groups in Afraka? You only hear the dichotomy of puppet governments vs rebel groups. And not every rebel group is killing innocent people, but if they’re for the liberation of Afrakans and (anti west,anti US/other Imperialist country) then the west reports them as such. Im just wondering if there are movements in the motherland as well. Thank you

The nature of movement in African have evolved just as they have in the US.  Also, as you suggested, the way the media presents these movements is greatly slanted by the Western Media.Actually, most of the decolonization movements and organizations are still active; many of them have even come to power in nations like South Africa, Zimbawe, Angola, etc.  Some have sold out, others are still struggling to actualize the dream of a free and...

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