Ummm….this is a hard one…do we go in on the Black man who is no only donning Greek letters, but most likely a brand or two of Greek letters; the historical and ongoing enemies of Africans, a culture that has raped, pirated, and contaminated African while serving as the germ seed of Western Culture, which is still at war with All-Things-African. Or….do we go in on the White male who’s penetrated the imitators of his...

Hello Diallo kenyatta. I currently live on the west side of Chicago. As you may know, a lot of neighbors that African Diasporans live in have an abundance of old factories. I’m interested in buying a old factory and using it to grow food using urban aquaponics as a form of community development. This is a idea that I been dwelling on for the longest and I know it can be done but I don’t have the funds to do it. What you you recommend for someone who is wanting to do something like this?

You have a number of options available to you for seed capitol, from venture capital, cooperative funding/ownership, grants to crowd funding, even guerrilla and squatter options are workable depending on the path you are willing to take, you just have to do the front end work.  You have to know what formation this enterprise will take, will it be for educational purpose and training, will it be a for-profit enterprise, will it be a public...

The New Negro.

The New Negro. diallokenyatta: In one of his last public talks Dr. Khalid Muhammad spoke on the phenomenon of the “New Negro.” Dr. Khalid informed us that we were being blindsided by this New Negro who’s fulfilling the role of the Old House Slave, and the Old Uncle Tom. In the distant and recent past it was very… Imma have to reblog this weekly…I keep encountering New Negros that are confused about their status.

We Are At War…

We Are At War...diallokenyatta: It seems Africans are the only population on the planet who believe they can win/avoid a war by…. 1. Enlisting into the ranks of their enemies. 2. Refusing to admit that we are at war. 3. Blaming our causalities on ourselves instead of the enemy. 4. Praying to the same God to save us… I don’t mind repeating myself….

At some point we have to STOP making excuses for the people who killing and shooting up Chicago. As long as we fail to hold those who ARE actually pulling triggers responsible the foolishness and carnage will NEVER end. I say that those who continue to provide these people with “cover”, excuses and blind rationale for justifying their behavior are just as guilty…I get sick of the term “SELF-HATE”. If this were self-hate wouldn’t there be more suicide than murders?

People who lack respect for the Black community, or Africans in general always reduce Explanations, Analysis, and Context to Excuses.  It never fails.If you look outside the Black community, you will find thousands of periodicals, Think Tanks, research grants, Not-for-Profits, and other formations that do nothing but identify, analyze, and articulate problems facing White society.  Wherever there is a ongoing social problem, or a calamity like...

How can you covert a bad lost chick into a women of black empowerment?

Humans are the most social creatures on the planet.  We are so social that if you put us in isolation we will literally go insane, humans who lack adequate social contact and stimulation have higher rates of disease and shorter lifespans.  We are extremely social creatures.Just as we have a need, not just a desire, but a need to be social; we are also very influenced by our social environment.  Not just the people in our social circle and our...

You thoughts on Theblackauthority aka Jason Black?

He is a weird hybrid of Anti-Blackism, Self-Hatred, Militant Negroism, Acontexutual Analysis, and Radical Integrationism.  I don’t know why Fox News or some other Racist network hasn’t snatched him up yet and given him a contract, he does their work for them, better than they do.As Kwame Ture always informed us; “a half truth is more dangerous than a full lie."  So the fact that Mr. Black infuses his post with some minor...

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