There is no such thing as senseless violence. When those in power call an act of violence “senseless,” that means the don’t want to you examine the causes and provocations for that violence. They also don’t want you to look into who will ultimately profit from that violence. Diallo Kenyatta
How many more times do we intend to call our people into the streets to do the same shit expecting a different outcome? Diallo KenyattaToo many Black activist think doing “something” is commendable in the Struggle, even if what you do is reactionary, ineffective, or reinforcing of the Status Quo.This is because most often activism and protest is about reliving immediate stress, distress, and pain and not about ending the causes of...
They want you to suffer peacefully Malcolm X
Stop calling White Pathology, “White Privilege.” Diallo Kenyatta
Schools both grade and degrade large segments of society. Ivan Illich
Protesting White atrocities is not the same thing as building Black Power.  If you are not building Black Power then your protesting is a waste of your time. Diallo Kenyatta
Voting affects policy and resource allocation but not Racism and Imperialism. Diallo Kenyatta

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