From Religious Justification to Scientific Rationalization.

In the early stages of White Global Domination; Europeans asserted that they were the original people, the direct descendents of Adam and Eve; therefore they are superior and most worthy to dominate all other races. This was the religious justification of White Domination. As the science of human genetics, and archeological methods improved; it was reveled that Whites were not the original people. That they were not the first to build...
Imagine if all the awe, love, and praise wasted on gods was instead focused on other humans. What if we only had faith in, gratitude for, and connection with to those we can see, touch, and hear; what would be the state of the world? Imagine there was no ultimate judge, no source of all good and evil; just humanity working together for the betterment of humanity. What if no one could use a god to justify their actions or inaction. What if we...
thepanafrikanist: PAN-AFRIKAN PRIDE!!! Isn’t it interesting that the colors of the RBG flag match the biological bloodlines of all life on the planet earth?
I’ve noticed the proliferation of sites and pages dedicated to the absurdity of poor and uneducated Black folks. Their choice in clothing, the filth of their homes, their dietary choices, their levels of illiteracy, etc; it’s all out there. I’m still waiting for a Black site critiquing the absurdity of capitalism and Global White Supremacy. The one that highlights the madness behind destroying the environment for a quick buck....
Black women are so beautiful that it takes billions of dollars & tons of toxic chemicals to make them look otherwise.
The only way for corrupt civilizations to subdue humane civilizations is through sheer brutality, not superior intellect or even superior technology; but superior aggression. Western Civilization is nothing more the high-tech barbarism.
All Pan-Africanist, Black Nationalist, and African-Centered organizations need to make environmental restoration, peak resources, and climate disruption central to their organizational efforts.

Bay of Pigs Invasion….

On this day, in 1955, the Central Intelligence Agency launched the Bay of Pigs Invasion against the Revolutionary government of Cuba and its citizens. The military and the proud people of Cuba were able to fend of the illegal imperialist attempt to subvert their Revolution and continue to build a Socialist state, while enduring ongoing sanctions and terrorism from the Capitalist Forces of the West. We must remember to celebrate the victories of...

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