#‎TellingOnNewNegros‬ We have another ‪#‎NewNegro‬ pretending to be down with RBG, another potential, or active Rapist, another Rape Apologist who’s Self Exposed himself.   I wanted to post a picture of his face, if you know him, please warn others of his views, and admitted behaviors.  His Fb page is full of RBG images, Pro-Black images, calls for Black people to come together, but then he post this kinda sickness....

University Cancels Common As Commencement Speaker

University Cancels Common As Commencement SpeakerAs H. Rap Brown stated; oppressive conditions, ill treatment, and brutality make Revolutionaries, not other Revolutionaries. So Common could never be swayed back to his “Senses” by the mocking from the Black community or even rejection of him and his ‪#‎NewNegro‬ views by the Black community; but rejection, public humiliation at the hands of those he’s extended a Hand of...

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