On African Origins of Imperial Religions…

Q: “All three of these Abrahamic desert god burning bushes religions have origins in Africa. How do we reconcile that?” A: “This is how I reconcile it: Let’s say that your parents planted some seeds, grew them, and harvested the food. Then (their) enemies stole that food, seasoned it, cooked it, ate it, then shit it out onto another plate; would you eat that shit, and justify eating that shit by stating that shit...
Black parents who tell their children that God will look out for them in life, protect them from evil, and ensure their success if they sincerely hold to some religious doctrine or practices are criminally negligent. It’s no better than relaying on the Tooth Fairy for dental care. If we don’t make a way and secure space for our youth, their will be no honorable place in this world for Black youth. Diallo Kenyatta
Using Reason to debate a Religious Believer is like using a flashlight to alert a blind man. Diallo Kenyatta

…There are Millions of Gods…

It’s not my opinion that there is no God, it is a verifiable fact that there are millions of Gods, all invented by men and women; there is evidence all through history of men and women creating Gods, yet not one trace of evidence of any Gods creating people. The rejection of God is simply an acceptance of evidence. The Big Bang has more plausibility and more evidence than the existence of God. If you are so critical in your thinking that...
If we can’t get over our fear of a fictional God, we’ll never get over the fear of the real people who forced him upon us. Diallo Kenyatta

The Insecure Caveman & the Creation Myth.

Some insecure Neanderthal who had absolutely no understanding of Human Reproduction, Fertilization, or Fetal development; saw the women around him giving, sustaining, and nurturing life.   He thought to himself; “with all of my physical strength, all my ability to kill, I can’t produce life!” So, in his feeble mind, he wanted to bestow upon himself the ultimate power, which isn’t to take life but to give life. Lacking...
All y'all taking that “last days” and Sodom & Gomorrah shit; please explain to me why you worship a God who would give a nation a pass on Slavery, Genocide, Ecocide, Nuclear Holocaust, Hyper Materialism, & Money Idolatry; but forsake a nation behind Gay Marriage. Your God is a asshole who needs to check his F-ing priorities. Seriously. Diallo Kenyatta

Jesus Would Have No Place In Today’s Christanity.

Jesus Christ was falsely convicted, he was a political prisoner, and he was executed.  You would think that Christians would be on the front lines of the Prison Abolition Movement, they would all be supporting the Abolition of the Death Penalty, that Christians would be sending funding and support to all political prisoners across the globe.  Right? But Christians tend to be supporters of the very institutions that set up, tortured, and...

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