Black Problems Require Radical Understanding & Radical Solutions

For every 100 White women of reproductive age, there are 99 White men available. For every 100 Black women of reproductive age there are between 80-75 Black men available. The primary reason for these disparities are mass incarceration and premature death; both of which are the result of US economic and social policies.   Our inability to come together, to form intimate bonds, to create and sustain secure families and communities has nothing to...

On Black Internal Criticism & Historical Context.

Lemme talk to my Brothers and Sisters for a second…. We really need some perspective.  Before you post your next diss against the entire Black community, talking shit about how fucked up we are, how we are not progressing, how we are going backwards, about how tired you are of Ni99as fucking shit up for us; you really need to step back and get a wider view of history and our place within it. First; this state of dysfunction is not only...

Emotionalism, Rationality, & Black Revolution.

When an atrocity against our Blackness (we know when they shoot a Black person it’s not just the individual that they target and seek to destroy in this System) we become drunk with emotions, from rage to despair.   I think Africans are fully justified in becoming drunk with emotion, we have recent, historical, and even genetic memories and traumas that come to surface, emotions that we haven’t been given the proper time or...

This Oscar Dress Infographic Makes Hollywood’s Diversity Problem Painfully Obvious

This Oscar Dress Infographic Makes Hollywood's Diversity Problem Painfully ObviousHollywood got a damn “Diversity Problem!” But that ain’t Our Problem! Black folks got an Institutional Development Problem…. a Need to be Accepted by their Oppressors Problem…. a Failure to Reject those who Reject Us Problem…. an Unwillingness to Pool Our Resources Internally Problem…. a Failure to Build Exclusively...

Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam – Full Speech.wmv

Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam - Full Speech.wmvThis is the greatest speech of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life. It was also the one that signed his death warrant. Sources and Fair Use Notice: This audio … King Martin Luther Jr woke up from his absurd Dream, but the Oppressors had built him up too much to allow him to cut the strings and tell our people the truth. That’s why he was set up by the Negros closest to him,...
Just imagine if White folks felt as ashamed and outraged about their Elites invading, bombing, undermining other nations and killing millions of innocent people… as Black folks are ashamed and outraged about our youth fighting in malls and disrupting the Christmas Consumer Orgy. Hell, imagine if Black people turned their critical and unforgiving eyes towards their Oppressors and Enemies and away from our own damn children for a fucking...

Meat Eaters Can Be Such Fucking Crybabies.

The topic I hate dealing with the most is diet. If you think people get emotional…, and irrational about their ideologies then just try to get them to critically think about their food; they will flip on your ass quick. I commonly provoke everyone from Christians, Black Misogynistic Puritians who try to pass themselves off as Black Nationalist, Feminist, etc., but the one thing I hate confronting most is Black folks and our addiction to...

On Buying Black & Supporting Black Businesses….

We need to progress beyond Supporting Black Businesses and Buying Black, it is an obsolete and counterproductive mandate. Please, hear me out if you have not blocked me already for that statement. If you still don’t agree, then you can block me after you read this. Now, the “Support Black Businesses” started way back in the Marcus Mosiah Garvey Era, and rose up out of his United Negro Improvement Association. It was fully...

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