We Are At War…

It seems Africans are the only population on the planet who believe they can win/avoid a war by…. 1. Enlisting into the ranks of their enemies. 2. Refusing to admit that we are at war. 3. Blaming our causalities on ourselves instead of the enemy. 4. Praying to the same God to save us that our enemy is pray to for help to kill us. 5. Surrendering all of our weapons, and refusing to train for combat. 6. Appealing to the mercy and morality...
When the Lion & Cheetah go to war, who should the Antelope root for? Diallo KenyattaStay up outta White folks internal conflicts and focus on our agendas, and our exclusive interest.

Divided & Conquered.

We have to stop the impulse to get caught up in White folks superficial and transient issues and remain focused (or most often; develop a focus) on African issues, we need to (begin to) focus on Revolutionary Pan-Africanism. Every time Whites embark down some ridiculous road and divide themselves up we feel we need to pick a side with one group of White folks or another, when we should just leave them to their bullshit and continue to build. We...

I am a Haitian man and I support your view that Haiti must become the capital of the African Diaspora. It is the only successful slave revolt in history that gave birth to a nation. If I may ask, how in your view can Haiti become a powerful civilization, a place with a people strong enough to once again bring down European hegemony and this time for good? Thanks.

Haiti will only rise as far as Africa and the rest of the African Diaspora, so Pan-Africanism is the only viable way forward.We have to formalized the links between African populations in the US, the Caribbean, Central and South America and expand to African and all other African populations.  Haiti is well placed in history, culture, and even geography to be the vanguard for this.  There are some internal issues that Haiti must address but...

The Coup – Breathing Apparatus

The Coup - Breathing ApparatusSteal This Album ©1998 Dogday Records I’d like to dedicate this track to all you who met the Affordable Care Act dead line and purchased a private, for-profit service/product by government mandate. It’s dead-die-cated to you who still love Obama and the image of him struttin big through Massa’s big White House, you who try to live vicariously through the Obamas, imagining that you too someday...

The White Man (is the) Burden.

Europeans created the most dysfunctional, corrupt, and destructive economic and political systems the world has ever seen. If that wasn’t bad enough, they went around the entire world and imposed their fucked up economics and politics on all of humanity. Now that it’s time to pay the (ecological) piper, Whites wanna pretend that Ecological Collapse is a human problem, a mankind problem, that all of humanity is to blame for the utter...

Black Adaptation of White Ideologies & Praticies

You ever notice that Blacks who raise to certain positions under White Domination, or who embrace/internalize certain ideologies within White culture are often most ignorant of the true purposes and impacts of their chosen profession, or ideology? Most Black Christians are not only ignorant of the origins and impacts of Christianity, they have all these illusions about how White Christians conduct themselves and approach the faith. They...

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