why do you hate white people?

I don’t hate White people, if you look at history the greatest and most consistent threat to White people are other White people.  Why do yall hate each other so much?  Why have White people forced the rest of humanity into their savage, hi-tech Tribalism?Stop tripping off of how the people your people oppress feel about you and begin to dismantle the Systems and Institutions of your toxic Western Culture and Capitalism before it’s too...

What are your thoughts on #Brexit from a Pan African perspective? I tried to understand this stuff but I really don’t.

Here’s the core truth: The EU was all about Germany doing economically what Hitler failed to do military: domination of Western Europe, the UK people don’t understand this, they just voted to keep the dirty Eastern Europeans out of their nation.But let’s deal with this like White people deal with African internal politics, let’s just offer some reductive analysis; it’s fun to treat them like they do us…sometimes.  1. Whites...

Greetings, why is western media so obsessed with portraying Africa the way it does?

You’ll notice that all abusers work to portray their victims as being the cause of the abuse; wife beaters, rapist, pedophiles, and capitalist swear that their victims had it coming, that their own actions provoked their victimization. So, the Western Media promote African nations as “failed States,” that Africans are just incapable of self-governance, so they must engage in military and economic intervention to keep Africa from totally...

Brother Diallo, You’ve done any research on Detroit? Why is the place so fucked up right now? Matter of fact, it’s been fucked up a long time. Right wingers say it’s all black folks fault.

Well, Detroit hasn’t been fucked up for a long time, it has actually fallen off within a single human lifespan.  In 1960 Detroit was literally the richest city in America!  No lie, look it up; I got family that were alive and well in 1960! What fucked Detroit was was the merger of Racism and Globalization.In the 60s all of the major cities in the US; Chicago, NYC, Oakland, St. Louis, Detroit were abandoned by it’s White residents because...
Eating one egg still wastes 55 gallons of water, industrial meat & diary production is ecocidal! #Vegan ?? ?? ❤?
#GiveThemBackTheirGods #DEvangelize #GodDispel ?? ?? ??
Happy Ghana Independence Day! ❤??♥ ??? #DeColonize #NoAfriCom #KwameNkurmah #Ghana

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