What’s happening brother. Are you surprised that “A Spook Who Sat by The Door” haven’t been remade yet?

Shit, I’m scare they’d fuck it up if they remade it, they would have Oprah producing it, have Tyler Perry directing, and have Kevin Hart playing the lead role.  Fuck that shit. They keep distorting our history using Negro Elites to do the dirty work. I’ll just stick with the original until we construct a truly independent African/Black media and production infrastructure.  Besides, the original is fucking flawless.  
The difference between White Racism & Black “Racism.” #Yurugu #BroDiallo✊

Go Vegan, Be Vegan!

Your meat consumption isn’t just about your personal taste, if you consume meat you are needlessly contributing to the destruction of entire ecosystems, the needless slaughter of billions of animals both wild animals and livestock. Mass human meat consumption (in the West) is a primary driver of global warming, methane emissions, deforestation, water contaminatio0n, proliferation of so-called Superbugs, global food instability, and just about...
#AbolishWageSlavery #TheElitesAreParasites #ClassConscious #HeedKwameTure #HeedMarx #BroDiallo✊ (at Bronzeville, Chicago)
Why ain’t you tuned into the #BroDialloShow yet? #3rdEyeShine #BroDiallo✊ (at Que4 Radio)
If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it. Abraham Lincoln

Brother Diallo, I know you have been studying history for a while, so why in your educated opinion,is it that whites whenever they encountered new peoples and new cultures always sought to dominate them rather than cooperate or partner with them? History books either avoid or don’t fully address this question.

In all my years of study I have not found one instance in history where White people have encountered other, or outside cultures, races, nations and did not embark on a campaign of conquest, colonization, systematic rape, genocide, and distortion of their motivations and actions.  This behavior is not reserved for POCs either, the first victims of Western Aggression, of their enslavement, colonization, and genocide were other White tribes,...

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