Since you think religious men shouldn’t be leaders. doesn’t that mean Malcolm shouldn’t be? or did he put black people above islam?

First off, I want to thank you for listening to the show; please help us get the word out and support us so that we can continue with Keeping It 100: Let’s be clear, you can be a (secular) Black leader and hold religious beLIEfs and values.  Take Garvey for example; he was a Christian, but he did not lead as a Christian, his personal religion was not the foundation or even guide for his leadership.  Garvey even...

What’s Obama’s Haiti?

We were discussing HillBillary Clinton’s crimes during Clinton’s first two terms in office and Eyon asked me “what’s Obama’s Haiti?”I responded; “Libya, not wait, Honduras, no wait, it was Libya…” Now that I’ve had time to really think about it; Haiti is Obama’s Haiti.As far as Bush vs. Obama; Iraq and Afghanistan are Obama’s Iraq and Afghanistan.As far as Reagan vs. Obama;...

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