#NNSEP : This New Negro is outraged by Black looters, but has no problem being a a lawful, patriotic citizen of a criminal nation on stolen lands. #ExposeIsolateExpell?
If you thinks Blacks are their own worst enemy, you are the worst enemy of Black people. You specifically are the enemy. Diallo Kenyatta
Kanye Gives White Designer Pass to Use N-Word in Collection#TellingOnNewNegros
Wait, just wait; this is only fair when you think about it.
Kanye took the Confederate Flag away from White people, he said “it’s my flag now,” so it’s only fair that he pays them back for stealing such a symbol of Racism and the sustained oppression that so many White folks died for; so I understand (not agree, but I understand) why...
“Every Brother ain’t a Brother." - Chuck D.We have to Expose, Isolate, and Distance ourselves from those so deep in Self-Hatred and Self-Rejection that they begin to sound like White, Right-Wing Conservative when dealing with Black issues.
I’m so sick of New Negros posting this videos and images of the Black Lumpen engaged in degenerate or dysfunctional behaviors, from drug abuse to violent confrontations. I mean, what’s the point, what are these New Negros trying to communicate?
Then they post these videos with comments like: “We need to do better?” “What’s wrong with us?” “This is what my tax dollars go to support.”...