God(s); the thousands of Gods from the past and present only existed in the imaginations and delusions of men’s minds. That is why every religion has given the world massive atrocities; because it feeds man’s delusions, and relieves him of the full responsibility of his actions; divine justification is a plague. Almost all tyrants, dictators, and mass killers had a divine calling. Diallo Kenyatta
As far as God, and living for self; I think the concept of God and his acting in your life is the epitome of self-centerness. People believe that God saves them and helps them with their personal problems, but allow millions to starve, to be raped, and murdered; that is a pathological self-centeredness. Diallo Kenyatta

I Was Asked by a Man of God Where My Morality Came From…

My morality, and what is right is defined by my culture, history, and the purposed I have defined for my life. I understand that to live a life in service to Liberation is the best use of my time here. I do the things I do, not out of fear of any God, Hell fire, or because of the promise of paradise after I die. I do it because I understand that it is the best way to reach my full human potential. Ultimately, the most fundamental purpose of...
If your faith, religion, or spiritual system does not compel or mandate you to fight all forms of oppression, to destroy institutions that exploit people and the environment, to build a humane world for all; then I don’t need to hear shit else about your God, your religion, your faith, or your spiritual system; it’s worthless! Diallo Kenyatta

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