White Christianity is a Political Institution, Black Christianity is a Social Club. Arab Islam is an Engine of Nationalism, Black Islam is Submission. White Judaism is a Business, Black Judaism is Escapism. Diallo Kenyatta

Distrust & Hostility.

A coalition of Arab and African Muslims (Moors) invaded and colonized Europe and held their lands for centuries; to this day Europeans have a hostility and distrust for Islam. Christians invaded and occupied the Middle East (Crusades) over the course of centuries; to this day Arabs and Muslims have a hostility and distrust for Christians. Jews were persecuted and attacked my Christians and Muslims over the course of centuries; to this day Jews...

On African Origins of Imperial Religions…

Q: “All three of these Abrahamic desert god burning bushes religions have origins in Africa. How do we reconcile that?” A: “This is how I reconcile it: Let’s say that your parents planted some seeds, grew them, and harvested the food. Then (their) enemies stole that food, seasoned it, cooked it, ate it, then shit it out onto another plate; would you eat that shit, and justify eating that shit by stating that shit...

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