My grandmother with me, Son1, & Son2. ❤❤❤ (at Kansas City, Missouri)
This Friday ain’t no better than any other Friday. #DEvangelize #GodDispel #GiveThemBackTheirGods
Dude tried to come with the Tricknology. SMH. #HueManity♠ #Yurugu? #Ecocide??
seemeflow: Tens of millions of black Africans were forcibly removed from their homelands from the 16th century to the 19th century to toil on the plantations and farms of the New World. This so-called “Middle Passage” accounted for one of the greatest forced migrations of people in human history, as well as one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever witnessed. Millions of these helpless Africans washed ashore in Brazil – indeed, in...
I been spending the DEvangelical God-Dispel for a while now. #GiveThemBackTheirGods #DEvangelize #AfricanGodsOnly #BroDiallo✊
When you set out to find your son and new pair of sneakers, but discover your inner-Pimp instead. #HoodParent #HoodFather
This is a 04/01 post Fb wouldn’t allow me to post, I wonder why. ? (at Chicago, Illinois)

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