Day: January 6, 2017
What are your thoughts on black folk that claim to see neither race and color?
I think they some lying ass muthafuckas. Most Black who talk that shit because their social or economic standing depends on them pretending to not see Race or color; and who am I to knock their hustle. Be we all know they full of shit, even the White people who pat them on the head when they say that shit know they lying.
What are your thoughts on Ayn Rand and individualism from a Pan-African perspective? Why do you think so many white people believe in libertarian ideas and what does libertarianism mean to you from a Pan-African perspective?
Ayn Rand was a grade-A sociopath who managed to turn her sociopathy into an incoherent social theory and ideology. Individualsim is a toxic Western fiction. The individual is a product of the collective, it is not apart from or superior to the collective; but individualism promotes that notion that the individual can be both separate and superior to the whole. Any person who practiced true individualism would perish in a short amount of...