Greetings brother Diallo. I want to transition to vegan diet. I know you post about going vegan. Do you think you could incorporate more visual posts onto your blog here. I’ve seen your instagram and some of the pics there. I’m looking for a starting point as far as going vegan. What’s a typical breakfast for you?

I usually have a glass of water followed by a green tea in the mornings, I just don’t like eating early; but if I must have a breakfast, I like Creamy Wheat, Oat Meal, and shit like that; It’s my Midwestern upbringing I guess.  My wife like to make big brunches on the weekends though, then I throw down, but not before 10am.I’m not really big on posting photos of my meals, figure that market is cornered, but if it will help another Brother...

Do you think Mr. Neely Fuller Jr’s “code” would help black people in the long term?

Yes, it has helped me.  But I don’t think his “Code,” is the ultimate solution because he asserts that only White people can “end the System of White Supremacy,” that’s a fatal flaw in his analysis and conclusion. He also instructs us to behave in a manor that will motivate or convince them to do so, and I don’t think that is our responsibility, to motivate Whites to do shit. 

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