(Mad)Men Make Gods In Their Image.

The reason gods are male, vengeful, jealous, genocidal, sexist, authoritarian, nationalistic; and can claim to love humanity and at the same time threaten us with eternal damnation; is because the madmen who invented and propagated the gods were the same way. When you see a culture’s God-concept, you see their collective mentality and what they aspire to. The culture that has colonized the world created gods that rape, slaughter, and...

“You Ain’t Enlightened if you Ain’t Fightin’!”

Too many people are running around talking/acting spiritual, and pretending to have some deep connection to the earth and universe, but offering absolutely no resistance or opposition to the forces that are destroying the ecosystems and driving most of humanity to despair and premature death. Fuck yall and yall empty, superficial spookism! Breathing in toxic air as yall meditate, ya goddamn yoga pants were made in a Third World sweat shop, and...
It is so easy to get people to believe what they want to be true, even it is the furthest thing from the truth. That is why corrupt preachers, entertainers, and politicians are so powerful within this society; they have no obligation to the truth, only to the mass manipulation and control of their followers. Diallo Kenyatta
Those crazy Muslims are killing over religion, faith, and honor! Why don’t they kill over money and material resources like Christians. Diallo Kenyatta
Cowards will call your attempts at resistance against this entrenched, omnicidal system; crazy, paranoid, and irresponsible to justify their own fear and apathy in the face of oppression. At the same time you ignore them, pity them because they will never know the sheer joy of resisting power and building real community; they will never know what it is to be fully human. Diallo Kenyatta
Few things annoy me more than some pampered slave bragging about how good they are living on master’s plantation. Prancing through the slave barracks showing off the fine suits and top hat the master allows them to wear. Telling the Field Niggers they need to be smarter (i.e. submissive), obey the law (i.e. passive), and work harder so that they can live well too. As it was then, so it is today. Diallo Kenyatta.
When all means of feeding, clothing, and sheltering yourself (and your people) have dried up or made illegal; you have no choice but to be come an honorable rebel or a petty criminal. - Diallo Kenyatta

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