We Are At War…

It seems Africans are the only population on the planet who believe they can win/avoid a war by…. 1. Enlisting into the ranks of their enemies. 2. Refusing to admit that we are at war. 3. Blaming our causalities on ourselves instead of the enemy. 4. Praying to the same God to save us that our enemy is pray to for help to kill us. 5. Surrendering all of our weapons, and refusing to train for combat. 6. Appealing to the mercy and morality...
When the Lion & Cheetah go to war, who should the Antelope root for? Diallo KenyattaStay up outta White folks internal conflicts and focus on our agendas, and our exclusive interest.

Divided & Conquered.

We have to stop the impulse to get caught up in White folks superficial and transient issues and remain focused (or most often; develop a focus) on African issues, we need to (begin to) focus on Revolutionary Pan-Africanism. Every time Whites embark down some ridiculous road and divide themselves up we feel we need to pick a side with one group of White folks or another, when we should just leave them to their bullshit and continue to build. We...

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