White Law & Yurugu Morality

Apr. 19, 2019: Episode 237 4/20 Day, Black Radical Movements, Free Meek, Jay-Z & Commercializing Black Activism, Van Jones, I Can't Stand With Yall, Brown on Black Racism, BGLOs, Value of Sports, Ice Climbers, Pro-Blackness, Bill Clinton Pandering, Black Suffrage & Anti-Government Whites, Dangers of White Illusions...

On Morality & the Black Condition

#‎TellingOnNewNegros‬ All these New Negros and Black Puritans who keep telling the Black community that we suffer the way we do because we are so immoral, because we lack values, and because we don’t have unity always seem to over look the fact that those with all the fucking power, those who oppress the world, those who control the world’s wealth and resources are the most immoral, corrupt, and backstabbing muthafuckas on the...

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