Trumplandia: A Collective Psychosis

Dec. 04, 2019: Episode 294 Offset on Hip Hop, Chairman Fred Hampton, Post-COINTELPRO Era, Lightfoot & the CPD, Black Political Concentration, Trump & Civil War II, White Poors, Agriculturalist Vs Industrialist, Mass Shootings & Race War, How To Start A War...

This Isn’t America: MAGA Vs the New Deal

Jun. 19, 2019: Episode 251 Trump 2020, Ecocide, Same Agenda Different Methods, US Military Hegemony, Economic Hitmen & NGOs, PM Dawn, Post-War Neoimperialism, The Cold War, White Unity Myth, Time of Decadence, Human Vs Robot Labor, Social Vs Economic Health, When Was Americas Great, Paint It Black, Gangs of America...

Abortion & the Imperial Presidency

May 22, 2019: Episode 243 Malcolm X's Evolution, Spookism, Early Hip Hop, Black Hair, Following White Folks, Travis Scott & Planned Parenthood, Spontaneous Abortions, Methodology of Genocide, Racist Care Providers, Why Women Abort, Race & Incest, Lead Poisoning & Gun Culture, Women's Rights, Human Anatomy...

Self-Affliction: Understanding White Rage

Oct. 19, 2018: Episode 189 Good Morning AmeriKKKa, Pray to the Right God, Equality, Khasoggi Assassination, R&B Beef, Islamophobia, Hobbes' Leviathan, Prima Noctas, Talk Radio Beef, Vic Mensa, White Civilization, McCarthyism, Failed States, Black Suffering as Currency, White Social Contract, Study Racist, Scapegoats...

Black Politics in the Trump Era

April 27, 2018 : Episode 148 Concessions from the Oppressors, Sierra Leone Independence Day, New World Order, Sober Rational Cogent Analysis, What We Got, Mutual Support Vs. Individualism, Voting, Democrats Vs. Republicans, Bro. Diallo Begging, Urban Ag, White Folks Gon Take It, Anti-Intellectualism, Black Schooling...

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