African World Order

Jul. 8, 2019: Episode 255 Evolution of Mass Media, Net Neutrality & Internet Consolidation, Joe Biden's Apology, Kamala "I Was That Girl" Harris, Separate But Equal, Empty Solidarity, Islam & Arab Nationalism, Chancellor Williams, Samuel Cotton, African Make-Believe, Ideology Matters, Internal Criticism, UNIA Centennial...

Garveyism & Self-Reparations (Part 2)

Jun. 28, 2019: Episode 254 My Kanye West Dream, Khalid Muhammad, Replicating Our Ancestors, Gov. Jay Inslee, Democratic Debate, The Maximum Wage, Racist Primary System, Black Reproduction Vs White Economics, The Market Vs Humanity, Internet Drama, Hidden Racial Barriers, Reparations Vs Economic Integration...

Black Star Legacy: Garveyism & Self-Reparations

Jun. 26, 2019: Episode 253 Lorilightfoot, Weed Legalization, White God Complex, Governor Pritzker, Black Elite Myth, Legalization Regulation Taxation, Police Discretion, Chance the Rapper Wants to Kill Us, Gun Culture & Lead Poisoning, Balancing the POTUS Ballot, Cold Distant & Calculating, Garvey's Agenda, Class Consciousness & the UNIA...

Dreams Deferred: Emancipation, Integration, & Reparations

Jun. 24, 2019: Episode 252 Footprints by ATCQ, Colors Movie, Saved From Beatings, My Pro-US Bias, American Exceptionalism & other Comfortable Lies, Theocracies, Iran Vs USA, Oprah & the NWUC, Trump Punked Out, Reconstruction & Civil Rights Lessons, Black Centrist, African & the Slave Trade, Reparation's Pitfalls, Symptoms Vs Root Causes...

This Isn’t America: MAGA Vs the New Deal

Jun. 19, 2019: Episode 251 Trump 2020, Ecocide, Same Agenda Different Methods, US Military Hegemony, Economic Hitmen & NGOs, PM Dawn, Post-War Neoimperialism, The Cold War, White Unity Myth, Time of Decadence, Human Vs Robot Labor, Social Vs Economic Health, When Was Americas Great, Paint It Black, Gangs of America...

White Privilege is a Myth

Jun. 17, 2019: Episode 250 Margaret Sanger, LGBTQ Movement, I Was A Homophobe, Pull Up!, Obama High School, Everybody Got It, Elite Interactions with the Masses, Sean Swain, The White Power Structure, Complementary Insults, White Discontent, Yurugu, Pathology is not a Privilege, The White Asili, Change the Language, WWIII...

Black Fatherhood Fallacies

Jun. 14, 2019: Episode 249 Who's Black, St. Joseph's Day, Personal Reality & Truth, Surviving the System, Racial Hierarchy, NeoNazi & Alt-Right, Inheriting Stolen Wealth, One Drop Rule, Racial Purity Myths, Becoming White, Amy Garvey, Eugenics, Black Suprecimcist, What's You Agenda, Race As Fashion, Educaiton As Genocide...

Who’s Black (Part 2)

Jun. 12, 2019: Episode 248 Dead Prez, Hip Hop & Community Crime, You'll Die Poor, Black Psychologist Conference, Integrationist Vs Revolutionist, Black Renaissance 2.0, Gentrification, NBA Playoffs, Kevin Durrant, I'm Rebellious, Rich Blacks Are Scared Too, Organ Harvesting, West Point Black Grads, Who's White, RIP Bushwick Bill...

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