Kwanzaa 365: Unity & Self-Determination

Dec. 18, 2019: Episode 299 Opinions Vs Evidence, Chrismahannakwanzaa, Living Among Predators, Blissful Ignorance, Trump Impeachment, US Politics & Governing Africa, Faith, Tangible Unity...


I just figured something out, and I’m excited to share it! I’ve been engaged in the Struggle since I was 14 years, starting off as Liberal Integratinist, to a Militant Separatist, and evolving into a Revolutionary Pan-Africanist. In all of those activities, in all of those events, within all of those formations, there’s one constant, that one constant was the Call for Unity. I swear, I’ve never been in a gathering of...

Getting Along vs. Getting Free.

White folks can fight two World Wars against each other and kill millions of their own Racekin, yet retain enough cohesion & cooperation to dominate a world in which they are a small minority. But New Negros try to convince our Race that we can not win liberation & that we are unworthy of liberation because of petty internal beefs, squabbles, & differences.   We don’t all need get along in order organize & advance. We just...
My goal is not Unity, it’s Liberation, so Unity must feed Liberation, not the other way around. I don’t support Unity for Unity’s sake. I hold to ideological, principled, and organizational Unity, all other Unity is weak and fleeting. I have no issue with exposing, isolating, mocking, and excluding Treasonous New Negros, any Unity that includes them will not serve African Liberation, it only feeds Liberalism, which I oppose....

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