Mass Organization: Steps 1 & 2.

First two formations and protocols for any Mass Organization: 1. Mass Media Apparatus : If you don’t articulate your positions, values, agendas ect. to the people you intend to organize, then you are not serious about organizing.  Also, you allow your enemies and oppressors to articulate who you are and what you are about to the masses and your People.   No matter the stage of the struggle, and the level of development of your...

On Pan-Africanism & State-Craft.

I wrote before on how it’s so much easier to build churches than to build businesses in our communities, why it’s easier to organize a cult than to organize a political movement, why it’s easier to rally our people around an emotional cause than cooperative economics; it all has to do with Mentacide, and our multi-generational isolation from the State and State-Craft. From the moment we were invaded, colonized, enslaved, and...

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