Martin Luther King, Jr., who came to prominence during the Montgomery Bus Boycott was wrong in his assessments of our enemies, he was wrong in all of the solutions and tactics he employed. He realized he was wrong, but before he could articulate and implement the corrections the US government assassinated him. We need stop advancing King’s mistakes (Non-Violence, Integration, Assimilation) and build on his attempted Revolutionary...
#‎TellingOnNewNegros‬ I’m tired of unaccountable leadership and unexamined legacies. Black people elevate people to leadership, we follow their program, and when the fallout comes, we don’t blame the leader for implementing an ineffective or flawed plan, we blame the Black masses for failing to succeed when we were set up to fail by our leadership in the first damn place. I respect King, but RE-SPECT means; To Look (spect),...

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