May 9, 2018 : Episode 151
NBA Finals, DJ Khalid's Sex Life, Boots Riley, Pro-Black Like Craig Hodges, This Is America, Hostility Distrust & Contempt, Revolt of the Masses, Omnicde for Fiat, Mass Indoctrination, Antelopes that Aspire to be Lions, Special Ed, Met Gala, Class Loyalty & Race Treason, Settler Colonialism, Nicole Calls, Focusing on WYTs...
Exemplary Negro Paradigm: Since emancipation Whites have promoted the Exemplary Negro in our communities, Booker T. Washington was one of the first. These ENs feed the false narrative of Opportunity, Inclusion, & Wealth for us all within the Systems & Institutions of our Oppressors: “I made it, so can you.” They distort the cause/sources of our suffering while offering solutions that will not only drive us into deeper...
I fixed it.
#ClassConscious #ClassWarfare #Socalism (at Chicago, Illinois)
Workers need to struggle for the Abolition of Wage Slavery, Worker Owned Cooperatives, a mandated Maximum Wage, & the Abolition of Private Property. Workers better become Radicalized or its over! Diallo Kenyatta