AfroFeudalism & Black Serfdom

Sep. 25, 2019: Episode 277 Greta Thunberg, Dead Eco Activist, Capitalism & Imperialism, WeDontHaveTime, Missionaries Vs Natives, Zimbabwe Drought, Trump is a Brute, Russian Bots, Feudal Lords & the Divine Right of Kings, Jay Z & the NFL, Serfs Vs Citizens...
Exemplary Negro Paradigm: Since emancipation Whites have promoted the Exemplary Negro in our communities, Booker T. Washington was one of the first. These ENs feed the false narrative of Opportunity, Inclusion, & Wealth for us all within the Systems & Institutions of our Oppressors: “I made it, so can you.” They distort the cause/sources of our suffering while offering solutions that will not only drive us into deeper...
I fixed it. #ProfitIsTheft #ClassConscious #ClassWarfare #Socalism (at Chicago, Illinois)
#AbolishWageSlavery #TheElitesAreParasites #ClassConscious #HeedKwameTure #HeedMarx #BroDiallo✊ (at Bronzeville, Chicago)

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