Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: Congratulations LGBTQAIs

Let’s review: The Gay Rights Movement’s biggest victories are: 1. Inclusion in Hate Crimes Laws; laws biasedly enforced by Racist cops and legal professionals, in a legal system that places a high price tag on Justice. 2. Removal of (long ignored and unenforceable) sodomy laws. 3. An end to ho#using discrimination based on sexual preference, which never really impacted wealthy & powerful White gays, and it’s still...
Poor, Black, & female LGBTQAI Activist bout to find out exactly what Poor, Black, & female Civil Rights organizers found out after the passage of Civil Rights and Desegregation legislation was passed. So celebrate today and continue to suffer tomorrow. Diallo Kenyatta
The Wealthy Liberal Fascist Elites, and the Wealthy Right-Wing Armageddonist Christian Right, will profit the most from the Gay Marriage decision. The Left will falsely promote that we are in a New Era, and the Right will talk shit about the Last Days; and they are both lying and pimping the masses. Both of these camps will herd the masses into there respective camps to fight each other over bullshit while the Left and Right Wing Elites hold to...

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