OK, I get it. African-Americans have demonstrated that we are able to achieve great things in the face of discrimination, and systematic oppression. We have overcome and made great strides as minorities and second-class citizens. Who could possible deny that now. Case closed. Can we now focus our talents and energies in to destroying the goddamn system of oppression, instead of achieving within it?

On Capitalism…

Capitalism is grounded in destruction. Destruction of lives, the environment, and even the products it manufactures. Profit and growth can only be generated when people are forces to constantly produce, build, consume, and throwaway. The only way to perpetuate consumption and production is to have constant destruction. Warfare, cheaply made products, and people are made to feel worthless unless they are buying new crap; are all central to the...

We Are At War…

We are at war!All African people, all over the world, are at war.  It matters not if you acknowledge this fact, engage your enemies, or live a life of comfort; you are at war.  Your people are at war, your people have been in a state-of-war, and under unrelenting attack for the past 400+ years.The purpose of modern war is not simply to kill as many as possible; that is simply the means to the end.The true purpose of war is to destroy the...

Why I Am: A Pan-African Assement.

When your community is disorganized, under siege, under funded, and flooded with drugs & weapons; you are at war. African people are under direct and ongoing attack from both public and private interest.The US government has been engagedin perpetual warfare against its African inhabitants since our forced entry into this nation.  Although the justifications and methods for waging war against us have chanced over the years, the US...

Maurice Bishop…

Maurice Bishop speaks on the rights and status of women under the New Jewels Movement, relations with Cuba, and Caribbean unity.(Source:

New Jewel Movement…

On March 13th, 1979; the New Jewel Movement, headed by Maurice Bishop, established the People’s Revolutionary Government of Grenada.

On Authority…

Accepting what you’ve been told by any authority, believing what you’ve been told to believe, thinking what you been told to think, living life within the parameters that the rulers have established; is such a waste of your magnificent mind.  It is such a waste of your evolutionary potential.  It is such a misuse of the limited time you have in this realm of existence.  Question, dissect, and critique every goddamn...

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