Are you a fan of neely fuller Jr work?

I’m am a student of Neely Fuller’s teachings.  I’d encourage anyone to study his works, there’s much value there.I embrace his analysis of the Systems of White Domination, but I don’t agree with his proposed solutions.

Suburban Slums & Inner-City Gentrification.

Whites, in the post WWII era embarked on a Ghettoization agenda for it’s Black Subjects; they spent decades divesting from and Redlining the inner-cities of America. They concentrated poor Blacks (whom were robbed of their wealth and terrorized into fleeing the deep South) in the inner-cities, flooded the inner-cities with Heroine and Crack, allowed the criminal element to operate with almost impunity, and broadcast the chaos of the Hood...

I See Race & Color Like a Muthafucka!

New Negros want Assimilation and Integration with Whites so bad they are willing to take responsibilities for crimes, atrocities, and ecocide that we had nothing to to with; shit we were coerced, captive, unwitting, and unwilling participants in at best. SMH. New Negros actually try to say “all people are the same;” which truly translates into: “We can all be White people, if we prove ourselves worthy enough.” It’s...

Defining & Striving for True Success.

To me the most fundamental evidence of success is breathing clean air, drinking uncontaminated water, and dwelling on pollution-free soil. Success is living in a world where my health and well-being doesn’t come at the expense of other human beings, or require the destruction of ecosystems. If all of that is lacking, you have failed. Therefore, humanity as a species is failing! I’m so sick of New Negros talk about success, and not...

A Failed Attempt to Save my Skinny Little Soul.

Churchill Wokpe said to me; “Diallo Kenyatta… you cant succeed trying to liberate the oppressed while ‘fighting against God’. your soul must surrender to Jesus first the greatest liberator, cos God is the only one who can furnish one with the strenght to liberate. Like Martin Luther King Jnr (MLK Jnr) he was a Preacher and his inspiration came from Isaiah 40.4-5. only fools say no God.” I can’t even be mad at...

Pan-African PSA: Arguing, Debating, & Name Calling.

We like to imagine that there is some formula or behavior that will provoke Whites and others not to oppress and exploit us. That’s why we have Black people who talk that “tear each other down,” nonsense. They wanna pretend that if we have arguments, debates, disagreements, or just identify other Black people that we don’t like, then it justifies the Oppression we are subjected to. These are the “Unity for the sake...

The Secrets of Black Success….

I fucking hate, I mean I hate so goddamn much…when a New Negro gets a little status and an abundance of Fiat currency, and are in a position to buy whatever our enemies are willing to sell to them, and they are inevitability asked by the Corporate Media: What’s the secret to success! I so fucking hate that shit. The reason why is because they always, without fail say some of the most vacuous, inane, noncontexual shit imaginable....

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